Stopping the Spread of COVID-19
The first outbreak of COVID-19 occurred in Wuhan in early Dec 2019. It took 67 days to infect 1 lakh people from COVID-19 and additional 12 days to infiltr ate a further 1 lakh. India reported its first COVID-19 case on 30 th January. The affected had a travel history from Wuhan. Within a month later two more COVID-19 cases were reported where one patient had travelled from Italy and the other from Dubai. Hence the spread continued. Today the total corona virus cases in India are approximately above 9 lakh. This number keeps changing everyday. The virus has travelled all parts of India, keeping its mark in both urban and rural areas. With the lockdown and reverse migration the number of positive cases has started increasing in the rural areas too. Due to the lack of proper health services and timely testing and treatment the virus aggravated in the rural areas. In general, rural healthcare has always suffered from inadequate infrastructure, insufficient health workforce and unde...