Our Volunteer’s Life Changing Experience
“Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves” – Horace Mann In this environment of pandemic when all of us are looking out to be safe, our volunteers have come together in the most extraordinary ways to go the extra mile and lend a hand. Hear our volunteer speak about his experience with GeBBS Foundation. Pandurang Bajirao Nakhate - Volunteer of GeBBS Foundation "My journey with GeBBS Foundation is a memorable one. I feel we are much more than just volunteers ; we are one big family looking out for each other to support the society. So, it is my duty to be with them during this pandemic period when they need us the most. After volunteering for healthcare camps especially cervical and breast cancer camps I have realized the privilege of being born into a financially stable family that can afford both education and medical expenses. Most of the people in the rural areas are unable to fight cervical and breast cancer or any other disea...